Styrene Acrylic Emulsions

Styrene Acrylic Emulsions are advanced water-based formulations that combine the benefits of styrene and acrylic monomers. These emulsions create durable, high-performance coatings with excellent adhesion and superior resistance to weathering, UV radiation, and environmental stress.

These emulsions serve as versatile binders for architectural paints and coatings, interior & exterior paints, and textured finishes, providing excellent adhesion and durability.

tulsicryl sa-90

Solid Content % Viscosity (Ps) MFFT(⁰C) pH Features/Applications
50 ± 1 30 - 80 18 ± 1 8 - 10 Premium interior and exterior paints and textured finishes. Excellent pigment loading characteristics
Technical Data Sheet

tulsicryl sa-99

Solid Content % Viscosity (Ps) MFFT(⁰C) pH Features/Applications
50 ± 1 50 - 130 18 ± 1 8 - 10 High Solid Emulsion for Premium interior and exterior paints and textured finishes.
Technical Data Sheet

tulsicryl sa-95(O)

Solid Content % Viscosity (Ps) MFFT(⁰C) pH Features/Applications
50 ± 1 40 - 80 18 ± 1 8 - 10 High-performance emulsion with excellent scrub, water resistance and adhesion for interior and exterior paints.
Technical Data Sheet

tulsicryl sa-95

Solid Content % Viscosity (Ps) MFFT(⁰C) pH Features/Applications
50 ± 1 20 - 80 18 ± 1 8 - 10 Emulsion with excellent scrub, water resistance and adhesion for interior and exterior paints
Technical Data Sheet

tulsicryl sa-45

Solid Content % Viscosity (Ps) MFFT(⁰C) pH Features/Applications
45 ± 1 5 - 25 18 ± 1 8 - 10 General purpose binder with low solid and high wet scrub for washable distemper, interior paints & cement primers. Can be used for economical exterior paints
Technical Data Sheet

tulsicryl nano

Solid Content % Viscosity (Ps) MFFT(⁰C) pH Features/Applications
40 ± 1 Max 5 17 ± 1 8 - 10 High-performance emulsion with fine particle size and good adhesion for paints for efflorescences.
Technical Data Sheet

tulsicryl sa-40

Solid Content % Viscosity (Ps) MFFT(⁰C) pH Features/Applications
40 ± 1 80 - 120 17 ± 1 8 - 10 Low Solid Emulsion for Mid to high PVC interior and exterior paints, acrylic putty and acrylic distemper
Technical Data Sheet

tulsicryl sa-48

Solid Content % Viscosity (Ps) MFFT(⁰C) pH Features/Applications
48 ± 1 20 - 60 24 ± 1 8 - 10 High Gloss, Hard, Tough film with Good Wet Scrub & Abrasion resistance
Technical Data Sheet


Solid Content % Viscosity (Ps) MFFT(⁰C) pH Features/Applications
45 ± 1 20 - 60 18 ± 1 8 - 10 High viscosity and low solid for textured and interior emulsion paints
Technical Data Sheet

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